Monday, March 2, 2015

Career Fair For Liberal Arts Majors

By Caroline Drew

As graduation fast approaches for the class of 2015, the job search is undoubtedly on. College seniors across the country are eagerly applying to positions with the hope that, come May, they might leave the nest of Mom and Pop and fly into the "real world" an employed adult.

After some extensive research, it became apparent to this reporter that, for some students, the search ended long ago. A myriad of finance, business, and engineering majors were offered positions as early as August. Furthermore, I found that students in these majors (and those similar) are frequently bombarded with events known as "career fairs" in which their resident university hosts a number of companies looking to employ those with relevant skills. There are consulting firms, banks, insurance agencies, research facilities, etc. However, it soon became quite clear that a significant part of the student body was not going to have any luck at these so-called "fairs." I am, of course, referring to the liberal arts students.

"Students who choose to major in the liberal arts are simply not offered the same amount of exposure to the career world as, say, a business major. That's where we come in," commented Erica Poller, the brains behind the new and forthcoming career fair events specifically tailored to the liberal arts major.

"Every student who completes a college degree should feel like it was actually worth something. And my team and I truly believe there is a position for everyone."

Poller was kind enough to provide a list of the organizations and companies who would be present at her fair. The list includes (though is not limited to) the following:

- Starbucks Coffee Company
- Dunkin' Donuts
- Anthropologie
- Cutco Cutlery
- Fed Ex Office Print and Ship Center (the Kinko's section)
- Dog Walkers of America
- Teach For America Janitorial Staff
- The Babysitter's Club
- Your Grandparents' Basement
- Welfare
- T-Mobile International

"I saw a need and I decided to fill it. Does that make me a hero? Well...." Poller stopped speaking at this point, but she went on to wink, nod, and mouth you betcha before high-fiving herself.

Not just any student will be allowed to attend the career fair for Liberal Arts majors. Students must be able to prove that they are pursuing a degree in a valid liberal arts field such as English Literature, Art History, History of Art, History of Literature about Art, Artistic History of the English, or Communications.

"It used to be that I was humiliated at the career fairs," shared Wake Forest women' and gender studies major, DJ studies minor, Taylor Brows. "My resume just read I'M SORRY. But now, now I could get a job! A real job! I gotta call my parents."

Brows did, in fact, precede to call his parents on the spot. Though I couldn't hear all his parents said, I did hear at least one shout of "BUT WE PAID SO MUCH MONEY FOR YOU TO DO THIS."

So there you have it: a new batch of 2015 graduates is preparing itself for the road ahead. Good luck to you all!

(....but mostly the liberal arts majors. you guys need it.)

note: Accounting, pre-law, and pre-med students were not mentioned, though it should be noted they are safely secured on a decided job path as well...those lucky bastards.