Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Betraying My Younger Self

 If you didn't read "The Ex-Annex Plan Makes Everyone Angry" here's a quick recap: along with friends, my high school self drafted a document proposing the "ex-annex" of 25 states.  It is without a doubt the most controversial piece I have ever written. It is my Leaves of Grass, my Huckleberry Finn.

That, however, was not my writing debut. Long before I was 17 and edgy, I was a cute little kid keeping journals, writing anything and everything that came to my cute little mind....alright, fine. Maybe "cute" isn't exactly the word for it....ok, moving on!

Flash forward to 2013: I thought it would be fun to share a selection of quotes from my old journals with you all. And yes, I recognize that this is the ultimate betrayal of trust. My younger self is probably never going to talk to me, like, ever again and she definitely won't invite me to her birthday party.

*all quotes are verbatim so expect some spelling/grammar mistakes

I present to you, Excerpts From The Journals Of A Young Caroline

On Rocking School Pictures, 2003
What's up journal? Pictures were good. I didn't show my teeth.

On Personalizing My Journal, 2005
I want to give you a name. Something pretty like Cassie. Or Hidi.

On One Of Many Great Ideas, 2002
If I had a news channel I would call it CAD news. It stands for Cute And Delightful News. Also those are my initials.

On Vandalism, 2005 
Someone threw chinese food on the window of the school and rolled the trees in the parking lot. The chinese food looked more like milk to me but hey, that's okay.

On Powerful Women, 2002
On the next page I'm going to trace a picture of Mia Hamm. I don't like soccer but all famous women are my role models.

On Dealing With An Ex, 2005
It's so awkward between me and him! In his yearbook I want to write: Let's be friends. For Real. - caroline drew

On Something That Would Take Too Long To Explain, 2003
And then we went to blockbuster and started talking in Russian accents and saying things like "What are you looking at? I'm not the one with the funny outfit!"

On The Best Gifts Ever, 2004
Christmas was great! I got tons of Abercrombie clothes, two books, a battery powered scooter and some other stuff.

On Getting Some Me Time, 2002
Listen, I'm not really in the mood to write now ok? I'll be back later.

On Life Achievements, 2005
Today I put in my earrings all by myself! It may not sound scary but putting basicly a needle through your ear is very scary the first time. This is a historical moment in my life.

On Reasons To Dislike Someone, 2003
I have the worst tap teacher. All she does is talk and we do all of our dances to rap. One day she had a bra sticking out of her dance bag!

On Honesty, 2005
Do you know what's bad and scary? Lying to my parents. Sometimes I lie to them about grades and about brushing my teeth (it's hard to remember ok!).

On Hanging Out With Boys, 2005
I want to be friends with guys. Not like a girlfriend, but just friends

On Technology, 2005
OMG! I got a cell phone! It's a samsung and it's so tiny! Instead of a flip phone though it slides up. I <3 it!

On My Favorite Season, 2003 
I'm gonna do an acrossic for summer!
S uper
U nbeatable season
M arvelous
M agnificent
E verlasting fun times
R adicals

On Experiences Whilst Traveling, 2004
Yesterday we bought a conch shell from a blind guy with 27 cats! I felt sorry for him. His house was in terrible shape!

On Dating, 2004
Today we went to the movies again! Just the 2 of us (and his dad).

On Pen Names, 2004
It's when an author changes their name just for the heck of it, just so they can have an unusual name. I think it's stupid. I would want people to know my name.

On Innovation, 2004
I'm going to write a list about some things recently evented.
1. Picture phones 
2. Ipods (mini and large).

That's all I can think of.

On Sharing My Journal, 2005
My mom said I should publish my journals and I said not in a million years!!!!

Clearly I peaked in the early 2000's. 

While reading through my old journals, most of what was said was ridiculous (see above) but mixed in with the silly were some rare and almost poignant thoughts my pre-teen self managed to articulate. Not bad, little me, not bad at all. For Example:

P.S. Death is scary and also it's not. 

She respects me and my opinion. We are nice and respectful to each other. I think I want all my friends to be like that.

I want to be myself and also have myself be accepted. This is hard.

My mom says when we leave places like our old house that it's just walls and a roof and that our memories are with us. Well, I tried to think that but I couldn't. 

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