Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Carry Me Home

"If you wrote an autobiography, what would you title it?"

This was my absolute least favorite question of the Wake Forest University application. I struggled with my answer for days and ended up slapping something down that had no actual significance to my life. I can't remember what I answered now, but I'm sure it was not one of my better responses on the application (but jokes on Wake, because they still let me in!). Needless to say, none of you should be surprised that I wasn't too thrilled about naming this blog either. 

I began to think just what I wanted to post here. I'm not a mother bursting with family tips, a chef with clever cooking ideas, or a missionary with inspiring anecdotes. I'm mostly a nineteen year old girl (or is it woman at this point?) who has altogether too much to say on pretty much everything.  One of my main motivations, however, for deciding to start this blog had to do with my summer plans- I wanted to be able to keep my friends and family who won't be joining me in California on my daily life. After contemplating this and thinking up some disgustingly cheesy titles (California Dreamin', Caroline Goes to Cali, etc) I realized that this blog could serve the same purpose during the other seasons as well. See, I'm not really one to stay in the same place for long.  I blame my parents for giving me the travel bug, but there's something else inside of me that can't get enough of leaving my comfort zone. 

Only here's the thing, I like my comfort zone. A whole lot actually. At this point in my life, I actually feel like I have a couple of comfort zones. The most obvious is my family's home in Birmingham, Alabama, but as time has gone by and I've invested in other people and places, I'm fortunate enough to think of home in a plural sense. These are the places and people who have helped shape and create who I am today.  I carry them with me when I'm away, and when I return it always feels like I'm slipping on a big, old sweater I had lost for a month or so. 

So this blog is called Carry Me Home in the spirit of it being for all of those who are at "home" while I'm away and maybe want to see what Caroline's up to. It's for me to get out all of that extra talking at the end of the day. And who knows, maybe someone I don't even know will stumble across this mess and find something they like in all the rambling. 

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