Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Flash Forward

The last time I wrote on this blog, I was still at JH Ranch in California, living in the cool mountain air with thoughts of college barely appearing on the horizon. 

Flash forward to now: I am sitting in my dorm room at Wake Forest having just finished my first day of classes for sophomore year!

Recap since my last post: my time at JH ended wonderfully. Despite many tearful goodbyes, it was difficult to stay depressed during my final week- what with babysitting, night games, trips to Oregon and sweet fellowship, I have to say it was more happy than sad

My three days at home were great...but (if I'm being completely honest) I could have used a couple more. During my 72 or so hours, all four of us Drew kids were home and it was perfect. The older we all get, the more I am starting to realize how precious it is for us all to be home together.  As for a quick update on the siblings: Mark is starting his senior year at the University Alabama, Tillman is embarking on his junior year at Mountain Brook High School, and Mallie has officially entered the "real world" working at BBVA Compass Bank.

It was much sooner than later that I arrived at Wake Forest. Although I was harboring some homesickness for Birmingham, it felt so right to step back on this campus! As people began arriving, reunions upon reunions commenced. It was all hugs and screaming (on my part) and many how-was-your-summer's.  Finally, I felt like I didn't have to count down the days with everyone around me. Yes, I will leave these friends once more at the end of the year- but, hey, I have a whole year!

...something tells me that come May, I'm going to look back at this and wonder how all the time in between came and went so fast...

I've been very busy, as most of us tend to be at Wake. Classes may have just started today, but the Lilting Banshees first show was last night. I'd say it went about 1,000 students came to our two shows! For a school of our size, I was ecstatic, to say the least, about our audience turn out. 

Along with writing sessions and rehearsals, my e-mail inbox has been filling and filling up with reminders, deadlines, and google docs. You know you're back at college when your primary communication becomes e-mail (this summer it was talking face to face and letters).  I just took on the task of going through the e-mails I had allowed to slightly pile up and have gathered this information: I will lead my first tour for prospective students next tuesday; my sorority's chapter retreat is on Sunday; homework has begun in a big way; J.Crew will never take me off of their mailing list. 

Diving into the business of Wake can be a bit like diving into a vat of quicksand: suffocating. Thankfully, as the e-mails and responsibilities are loading up, I am kept at peace due to the sweet love of Jesus. All I learned this summer has not gone to waste- I feel so completely caught up in Christ that stress has been unable to reach me.  It is truly a testament to the goodness of the Lord that He could keep me so calm and controlled during this take-off season into the school year. 

Finally (I know, this is very long), I want to share a fun story with you all!

 After my show last night, two of my friends took me to get some celebratory waffles at the ever so delicious Waffle House. Our waitress came to take our orders with a cheerful smile. She asked how we were. We were all fine, and returned the question. Still with a smile on her face she explained  that she was tired because she had been on shift since 5 and work until 2 (AM!). Then, she would be waking up at 7 only to work until 2 (PM) the next day. 

And there I was. Sitting, waiting on a chocolate chip waffle which I would thoroughly enjoy only then to return to my bed, sleep for 7 or 8 hours, wake up, and go to school as to later have a job which will never have those kind of hours. It's not that I was feeling guilty; on the contrary, I simply became very aware of how much I take for granted. Of how, for some people, having a good attitude takes a lot more effort (and yet, they do it anyway). 

Now I need to back track some- earlier that day, I had been going through my backpack only to find $20. You can imagine how good that made me feel- just one surprise dollar in my coat pocket puts a smile on my face. I stashed the bill in my wallet, intending to use it for something fun at a later time. 

Back to Waffle House, my friends and I were checking out at the counter when I realized I had forgotten to leave a tip. I pulled out two dollars (my waffle cost $3.81) feeling like that was more than appropriate, when I remembered the $20. It would be ridiculous, said the logical part of my brain, to leave that kind of tip. Who does that? Only insanely rich people. Or just insane people. Still, there was a tugging on my heart that told me that my waitress was supposed to have it. I pulled out the bill reluctantly and then (before I could change my mind) laid it on the table. 

I did not stay to see her reaction. I did not say goodbye. I walked out of the door, got in the car, and went back to my bed where I slept for 7 or 8 hours before waking up and going to class today. 

It was the most peculiar thing: as soon as I laid down the $20, I felt completely free of it. I didn't necessarily feel good about myself in the sense that I did not attribute my actions to my own goodness- trust me, I really didn't want to do it. Instead, I became acutely aware of the Holy Spirit within me being drawn out in a tangible way. I can't keep leaving huge tips like that, but it felt so good to be able to bless someone through the love of Jesus inside of me. There is a verse that has stuck onto my heart lately that reads like this:

"[...]And so through Him, the Amen is spoken by us to the glory of God." 
2 Corinthians 1:20

What I like about that verse is that it is through Jesus that we act out God's will to His glory. What a perfectly wonderful cycle that is.

This doesn't mean I'm going to be giving everyone $20 tips. It just means that I want to listen to the Holy Spirit's direction as I walk through life. If I listen to myself, I'll stay safe, somewhat content, and completely disconnected from the God's glory...thanks, but no thanks.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great message. Thank you for sharing it. You figuratively made her day. God literally made it.
