Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why the Government Shut Down As Told By Ginger

Sorry to disappoint, but this post is not actually about the details of the government shutdown as explained by our favorite cartoon redhead. And if you do not get the "As Told By Ginger" reference, you should probably go to YouTube right now and memorize the theme song.

In reality, I decided on that title mainly because I wish that Ginger would explain the shutdown to me. I think she would present the facts in an unbiased, straightforward manner and I appreciate that in a person. Also, if Ging had talked to me about this whole ordeal, I wouldn't have felt like an idiot finding out about it on twitter this morning. On a scale of 1-10, how sad is it that I see a new Miley Cyrus video within the hour of it premiering, but it takes me a whole day to hear about my government shutting down? We're thinking like a 7, right?

Ah, but I digress. Let's get to what you really want to hear about- ME AND MY ADVENTURES ABROAD! (cue crowds cheering, confetti flying, and super manly men allowing themselves to wipe a single, joyful tear from their eyes)

Ok, ok, here we go. It's time to talk about Oktoberfest. 

Oktoberfest was by far the most fun party I have ever been to in my life. This means that it tops my 4th grade surprise + limo party, so yeah, wrap your head around that one. Here's a rough itinerary of our first day at the fest:

6:30 a.m.- Wake up, get ready, feel incredibly tired and wonder if it's worth it.

7:30 a.m.- Arrive at tent and get in line. Say hello to long-lost Wake friends, but still feel really tired.
9:30 a.m.- Remain standing in line. Try to make puppy-dog eyes at the guards behind the door to see if they will pity you and let you in. This does not work, but this is most likely because your puppy-dog eyes look more like creepy-girl-who-frowns-weird eyes.
10:15 a.m.- Start drinking your first liter of beer. (Note: you are too excited to think about the fact that it is only 10:15 a.m.)
10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.- Drink more beer, eat pretzels and doughnuts, talk to old friends, make new friends, and take 1000 pictures.
2:00 p.m.- Make your way back to the hotel for a much needed power nap.
8:30 p.m.- Wake up, go find some Chinese food and try to readjust your internal clock.
11:00 p.m.- Go to bed with visions of steins dancing in your head.

I realize the above schedule may not sound like the best party imaginable, but (yep, I'm going to say it) I guess you had to be there!

Disclaimer: "I guess you had to be there" is, in my opinion, one of the most annoying things you can say to a person. That, "Can't say I didn't warn you!" and "Oooo Sorrrry" during the game of Sorry, should all be reserved for the worst kind of people.

Other things going on in my life

Hmmm...other things happening besides Oktoberfest....ummmm

School: Contrary to what my facebook might look like, I do go to class here. Annnnd that's probably all I have to say about that! Academia!! Woo!

Travelling: Like I said in my last post, I am headed to Paris this weekend! For those of you who don't know, Paris and I are very close friends who haven't seen each other for 3 years. We are so excited to reunite and share a bowl of french onion soup, we almost can't stand it.
Phone: I have a new phone! I felt a little bit like Odysseus trying to get to it, but after a 45 minute cab ride, walking through 3 deserted parking lots, trekking through the FedEx international warehouse (warehouse, not store) I finally got to it! And yes, I do think comparing that journey to the Odyssey is an adequate parallel.
Internship: Last week, I officially started my journalism internship with the New Presence publication. After an hour long meeting, myself, the 2 other interns, and our director, Gerald (60 year old British man) went out for drinks. Apparently, this is key to the journalistic process and we are required to do this each week...but don't feel bad for me, I think I can handle it.

Something about the United States

That's right, I haven't forgotten about you, homeland! And I certainly haven't forgotten about my funny friends at Wake Forest, the Lilting Banshees. For those of you who don't know, this is Wake Forest University's sketch comedy troupe and they just put up videos from the last show! Only watch if you want to laugh. I mean it, if you don't like laughing, are allergic to laughing, or are afraid of laughing then this is not for you. Otherwise, enjoy! CLICK HERE AND START YOUR LOLLER COASTER

p.s. The rhyming bit at the end of the itinerary inspired me and I couldn't help myself. Here's a reward for anyone who's actually read this far:

Twas the Night After Oktoberfest 

Twas the night after Oktoberfest and all through the hotel
People were passed out, (Of sausage and pretzels, they smelled)
Earlier they had drank around 5 liters of beer
Some even on tables, while everyone cheered

But now they were nestled, all snug in their beds
While visions of steins danced 'round in their heads
With one day now past, and one day still to come
The Wake Forest students were anything but glum

The next morning, many alarms went off with a clatter
They all sprang from their beds, to address the fest-matter
To the tents they all went, and were there in a flash
Once inside they rejoiced and to the tables the dashed

It was a new day with new things in store!
Drinking, singing, dancing galore!
Though some deacons returned home, before we reached noon
Others of us made it all the way until 2!

Sadly, but truly the day had to end
And tomorrow the students would say goodbye to their friends.
Though always they'd keep, deep in their chest
The sweet (maybe hazy) memories of Oktoberfest

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