Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Teachable Moments

Being away at school for the most of the year, I naturally don’t spend as much time with my parents. Subsequently, I miss out on a lot of, what I like to call, “Teachable Moments by Tricia

My mom, like many moms out there, has a lot of advice to give.  What I find to be…unique about my mom though, is her manner of giving the advice. There you’ll be mid-conversation, talking back and forth, and then- BOOM- Teachable moment. It’s subtle, but not quite subtle enough to go unnoticed. Especially if you know the signs to look for. Here’s a few key phrases that directly lead to learning something new a la Tricia Drew:

-          1)“Let me tell you somethin’”: This phrase means you need to settle in, because a speech is coming your way. “Let me tell you somethin’” is often followed by a “now it might just be me”, a “I can’t make you agree” or a “I may not be a scientist” and the teachable moment goes on from there.

-         2) The finger point: Though not a phrase, the index finger point is equally important. It is used to emphasize contrast and is a great lead in for a teachable moment. The point could be at you (“Your generation doesn’t have music like ours), a friend (“You don’t think Annie’s mother lets her drive to Atlanta, do you?), or even the sage herself (“I’m not perfect, but I keep my nails painted”).  

3) “Did you hear about (insert celebrity name here)?”: This question means my Mom has participated in one of her rare, yet affecting, dives into the world of pop culture. I’ve always admired the way Mom doesn't care too much about celebrity gossip, but when she happens upon a piece of it, it can fuel her teachable moments for months. “Did you hear about…oh what’s his name…Justin Beiber? It’s just so sad. But with all that money, what can you do? Let me tell you something, you should be glad that wasn’t you making all that money so early on in life”, etc., etc. 

Note: Interestingly enough, these teachable moments always end in a reference to Beyonce. “I don’t think any of them are normal except for that Beyonce. She seems so down to earth.”

4) "Caroline, I've got an idea": This one is just for me, but is still worth mentioning due to its frequency of use. I am what my Mom refers to as her “eclectic” child. This might be because I’m in a comedy group. Or because I major in Religion/English. Or because I wear Free People clothes. Whatever the reason, my Mom has devoted herself to the harrowing task of figuring out my future career. The ideas are always…outside the box, and they are always told to me as a teachable moment. “Caroline, I’ve got an idea. What if you wrote Hallmark cards?” “Mom, I hate Hallmark cards.” “But a lot of people love them. And I bet you that job pays well (*insert finger point here).”

5) “Google it”: This phrase actually comes at the end of a teachable moment. It serves as rebuttal if you are to counter any advice given that she considers to be factual, and not just opinion. I can’t remember the day that my Mom learned the function of Google in arguments, but now we are at a point of no return. No claim of hers can be refuted until Google says otherwise. Ironically enough, if Google does say otherwise, “Well that’s the internet, any old person could get on there and say something.”

Often my friends will come over and it won't be long until we're all sitting around the kitchen table listening to my mother warn against the dangers of alcohol, or sharing clothes with people you don't know very well ("They might return it completely ruined. And that's if they return it!). At the end of the day, my mom does have some great advice, and I'm lucky that she cares enough to share her expertise with me.

Love you Mom!

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