Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Beatles Took This Quiz and You Should Too

As I write this I am listening to the Beatles. Because I'm controversial and feel like stirring things up-- what if One Direction is just The Beatles of our generation? This makes sense I think. I mean, both are bands made up of British guys (that blonde kid still counts) and they sing love songs and get girls all excited. Maybe, MAYBE, the members of One Direction are just the members of the Beatles reincarnated! Sure, not all the Beatles are dead, but who knows how reincarnation really works, right? What I'm trying to say is that the Beatles's music and One Direction's music are pretty much on the same level and no one can argue with that. 

....Alright now that many of you have left this page in a fury, ready to write me an angry email (see bottom of the post), let's talk less about music icons and more about me!! I'm not a music icon, but I am a...me...icon. #nailedit

Fall break was a blast and I could spend hours typing out tales of adventure and whimsy, but these abroad blog posts are getting a little too easy for you readers.

Q: Shouldn't you have to work for such precious information? (A: yes). 

That's right, you're taking a quiz. It's not a test, it's only a quiz. It won't decide your grade or anything so keep your pants on. Plus this quiz is colorful so you know I'm a cool teacher.  

QUIZ: WHAT'D I DO ON FALL BREAK/what's your spirit animal

  1. Caroline ate all of the following foods in the Swiss Alps; however, which was her favorite?
    • a) escargot
    • b) lamb entrecĂ´te  
    • c) champagne fondue
    • d) twix candy bar
  2. If Caroline was in Brussels for two days and there is an endless amount of waffles and if the trains arrive at whatever time they want to, how many waffles did Caroline eat?
  3. Caroline put a lock for her parents on the love lock bridge in Paris. What date did Caroline write on the lock? (i.e. what is her parents' anniversary)
    • a) May 27, 1985
    • b) May 25, 1987
    • c) May 25, 1997
    • d) May 23, 1987
  4. At what point did Caroline realize the flight she booked to take her back to Prague at the end of the week was for the wrong date?
  5. How much did it snow whilst Caroline frolicked in the mountains of Zermatt?
    • a) a whole lot
    • b) 10 inches
    • c) 14 inches
    • d) it didn't snow...(don't be dumb and choose this, of course it snowed)
Answers: 1.a but consolation prizes to the other answers because they were all delicious, 2. 3 (not so impressive, I know), 3. trick question, they were married on d, but I accidentally wrote b. But whatever because marriages don't really count until they've lasted for 2 days. 4. The day before I needed to leave! ha! ha! ha! (tears on the inside), 5.a. What do I look like, a snow ruler? I can't estimate these sorts of things! I'd never seen so much snow in my life! 

If you got a perfect score your spirit animal is a white tiger. If you got less than a perfect score you don't get a spirit animal because you don't matter. 

Fall break was like a peanut butter sandwich where the peanut butter is exciting new experiences and the jelly is pure exhaustion. The Sunday after I returned to Prague I slept until 4:15 pm. No regrets. Tune in next post to hear about MY FAMILY VISITING because that crazy crew is meeting me in Budapest this Saturday!

And now, so you won't have to, an angry email to me about the first paragraph of this post:

Dear Caroline, or should i say idiot,
do u have ANY idea what u just did? u couldnt be more DUMB. the beatles are literally the best band ever and one direction is stupid and gay and not even real music. if i had a one direction cd (which i don't because they sux) i would break it on ur face. dont ever talk about music on the internet again. also i like this blog a lot. wow is it fun to read. 

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