Saturday, December 14, 2013

Where in the World is Caroline Drew

Well. Well, well, well. How to begin this post, where to start, hmmmm...

It's Saturday, December 14th. According to my schedule, I am home, still asleep in my own bed. My mom picked me up in Atlanta last night and though I was sad to leave Prague, it's nice to be back in Alabama. 


Sorry about that, but like the KLM airlines, I enjoy a good surprise. I am not at home, asleep, or in my own bed. But Caroline if you aren't home...then...where are you? I am still in Europe, actually. This continent wasn't quite ready to let me go. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, this journey (or lack thereof) began yesterday morning in Prague...

  • 9:35 am: Leave my dorm behind and travel to the Vaclav Havel international airport. 
  • 10:00 am-12:00 pm: Reminisce about the semester in Prague, cry, eat airport food, buy trashy magazines, cry some more
  • 1:00 pm: Find out our flight to Amsterdam is 50 minutes late. OH NO. 
  • 3:00 pm: Board flight to Amsterdam, pray that the flight to Atlanta will also be delayed
  • 4:00 pm: Pilot announces who will miss their connecting flights. ATL flight is the last one read. Accept that the world is a cruel place. 
  • 4:30 pm-7:30 pm: Alongside Kirsten, Kelen, and Alex, discuss options with the employees of KLM airlines. Book 4 separate flights, and 3 different hotel rooms. Offered a complimentary overnight pack including, but not limited to, a toothbrush, t-shirt, socks, and razor (score!). 
  • 8:00 pm: Arrive at the elegant Ibis Hotel. Retrieve free food voucher at the Caribbean Restaurant (note: the Caribbean should maybe consider changing its name to the more accurate "Middle School Lunch Room" as the food was hard to define and all the cool kids sat at the corner table).  
  • 9:00 pm: After being told the free drink voucher only works at the Caribbean, decide to buy ourselves a real drink at the fancy "we're not stranded passengers" bar. Receive dirty looks from other patrons. 
  • 9:30 pm: Realize it is Friday the 13th. Understand irony to the fullest. 
  • 10:00 pm: Retreat to our rooms to watch a movie. 
  • 10:15 pm: Fall asleep. 

8:00 am: Wake up, put on the same clothes from the day before and head back to the airport BECAUSE TODAY WE WILL GET HOME. WE WILL. WE WILL. WE WILL. WE WILL. 

My favorite part of yesterday happened at the KLM transfer desk. 17 of us were attempting to reroute ourselves after missing our flight to Atlanta. A midst the tired voices of travelers trying to get home and those of weary employees who clearly have the worst job in the world, came this exchange: 

"Is that really all you have?"
"Yes I am sorry, sir. We can get you to Paris tonight, but it will be a middle seat." 

A middle seat??? He's not an animal!!! Have some common decency KLM!!!

And now, I sit here in the Amsterdam airport, and it's really not that bad. I have The Office to watch, Bridget Jones's Diary to read, and chocolate to eat/OD on. 

If I don't make it back to the States, send your questions to KLM airlines. Be aware that they will delay your question for about an hour, then cancel your question, ask if you would mind holding your question for the night and then try figuring out an answer for your question tomorrow night. 

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